Full exam doc 1.2 What is the meaning of abbreviation EDA in this course? a) Exploratory Data Analysis b) Electronic Design Automation c) Event Driven Architecture 2.2 Which step in EDA Flow is used to convert the description of the design from register transfer level to netlist / gate level a) Simulation b) Synthesis c) Place and Route 3.2 What is the generic term used for a specialized computer language used to program the structure, design and operation of electronic circuits? a) Application-Specific Integrated Circuit - ASIC b) Field-Programmable Gate Array - FPGA c) Hardware Description Language - HDL d) Register Transfer Level - RTL e) System-on-Chip - SoC 4.2 Encode MIPS instruction srl $8, $9, 4 a) 00084902 b) 00084903 c) 00094100 d) 00094102 e) 00094103 5.2 Disassemble MIPS instruction 0128502B a) sltu $10, $9, $8 b) bltz $8, 1f c) lb $8, ($8) d) srav $9, $8, $10 e) or $8, $8, $8 6.2 What is the result of the following MIPS program execution? li $8, 12 li $9, 13 li $10, 14 addu $9, $10, $8 a) $8=0x0000000c, $9=0x0000000d, $10=00000019 b) $8=0x0000000c, $9=0x0000001a, $10=0000000e c) $8=0x00000014, $9=0x00000012, $10=00000019 d) $8=0x0000001b, $9=0x0000000d, $10=0000000e e) $8=0x0000000c, $9=0x0000001a, $10=0000000e 7.2 What is the result of the following MIPS program execution? .data a2: .byte 0x12 .byte 0x34 .byte 0x56 .byte 0x78 .text ld2: la $8, a2 or $9, $8, $8 lb $8, ($8) sw $8, ($9) a) $8=0x00000056 b) $8=0x12345678 c) $8=0x00000012 d) $8=0xffffff9a e) $8=0x9abcdef0 8.2 What is the result of the following MIPS program execution? beq1: li $8, 12 li $9, 13 beq $8, $9, 1f li $10, 14 li $10, 15 1: a) $10 = 12 b) $10 = 13 c) $10 = 14 d) $10 = 15 e) $10 = 0x1f 9. What is the purpose of using program stack in assembly (and any other) programming? a) Stack is needed to store return addresses for the nested function calls b) Stack is used to pass function parameters when there is no place on registers c) Stack is used to allocate space for temporary variables when there is no place on registers d) Stack is used to save some temporary registers when calling a function e) All the above 10.2 What is the result of SystemVerilog simulation of the code below (value after "=")? module test; initial begin logic signed [15:0] a, b, c; a = 16'hFFFF; b = 1; c = a << b; $display ("signed %b << %b = %b", a, b, c); end a) 0000000000000000 b) 0000000000000001 c) 0000001000000100 d) 0111111111111111 e) 1111111111111101 f) 1111111111111110 g) 1111111111111111 11.2 What is the result of SystemVerilog simulation of the code below (value after "=")? module test; initial begin logic signed [15:0] a, b, c; a = 16'hFFFF; b = 1; c = a >> b; $display ("signed %b >> %b = %b", a, b, c); end a) 0000000000000000 b) 0000000000000001 c) 0000001000000100 d) 0111111111111111 e) 1111111111111101 f) 1111111111111110 g) 1111111111111111 12.2 What is the result of SystemVerilog simulation of the code below (value after "=")? module test; initial begin logic signed [15:0] a, b, c; a = 16'hFFFF; b = 1; c = a >>> b; $display ("signed %b >>> %b = %b", a, b, c); end a) 0000000000000000 b) 0000000000000001 c) 0000001000000100 d) 0111111111111111 e) 1111111111111101 f) 1111111111111110 g) 1111111111111111 13.2 What is the result of SystemVerilog simulation of the code below (value after "=")? module test; initial begin logic [15:0] a, b, c; a = 16'hFFFF; b = 1; c = a + b; $display ("%b + %b = %b", a, b, c); end a) 0000000000000000 b) 0000000000000001 c) 0000001000000100 d) 0111111111111111 e) 1111111111111101 f) 1111111111111110 g) 1111111111111111 14.2 What is the result of SystemVerilog simulation of the code below (value after "=")? module test; initial begin logic [15:0] a, b, c; a = 16'h1234; b = 16'habcd; c = a & b; $display ("%b & %b = %b", a, b, c); end a) 0000001000000100 b) 1011100111111001 c) 1011101111111101 d) 1110110111001011 e) 1110110111001100 15.2 What is the result of SystemVerilog simulation of the code below (value after "=")? module test; initial begin logic [15:0] a, b; a = 16'h1234; b = - a; $display ("- %b = %b", a, b); end a) 0000001000000100 b) 1011100111111001 c) 1011101111111101 d) 1110110111001011 e) 1110110111001100 16.2 Which waveform is the result of the simulation below? module design (input a, input b, output o); assign o = ~ a | ~ b; endmodule module tb; logic a, b, o; design design_inst (a, b, o); initial begin $dumpvars; $monitor ("%t a %b b %b o %b", $time, a, b, o); #10; a = 0; b = 0; #10; a = 1; b = 0; #10; a = 0; b = 1; #10; a = 1; b = 1; #10; end endmodule a)b)
17.2 What is the result of synthesis of this module? module design ( input a, input b, output sum, output carry ); assign sum = a ^ b; assign carry = a & b; endmodule
18.2 Which design below corresponds to the schematics on the picture?
a) module design ( input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, input [7:0] c, output logic [7:0] o ); always @* begin o = a; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) o *= a; end endmodule b) module design ( input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, input [7:0] c, output logic [7:0] o ); always @* begin int i; o = a; for (i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) o = o * a; end endmodule c) module design ( input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, output logic [7:0] o ); always @* begin o = a; if (b < 5) o = a * a; end endmodule d) both a and b e) both b and c 19 A designer run FPGA synthesis for the following 4 designs and get the number of logic elements. However you don't know whether he did it in correct way. Which set of numbers is more believable for you? a) 1:16, 2:16, 3:16, 4:16 b) 1:16, 2:16, 3:46, 4:46 c) 1:16, 2:8, 3:46, 4:54 d) 1:46, 2:16, 3:16, 4:46 e) 1:54, 2:45, 3:8, 4:16 module design1 (input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, input [7:0] c, output logic [7:0] o); assign o = a + b + c; endmodule module design2 (input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, output logic [7:0] o); assign o = a + b; endmodule module design3 (input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, output logic [7:0] o); assign o = a * b; endmodule module design4 (input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, input [7:0] c, output logic [7:0] o); assign o = a * b + c; endmodule 20.2 Are there any problems with the following SystemVerilog code? a) This code is OK b) Warning: incomplete case statement has no default case item c) Warning: inferring latch(es) for variable, which holds its previous value in one or more paths through the always construct d) Warning: variable is read inside the Always Construct but isn't in the Always Construct's Event Control e) Both (b) and (c) module design (input [3:0] a, input [3:0] b, input [3:0] c, output logic [3:0] o); always @* begin if (a < b) o = a + b; end endmodule 21.2 Are there any problems with the following SystemVerilog code? a) This code is OK b) Warning: incomplete case statement has no default case item c) Warning: inferring latch(es) for variable, which holds its previous value in one or more paths through the always construct d) Warning: variable is read inside the Always Construct but isn't in the Always Construct's Event Control e) Both (b) and (c) module design (input [1:0] a, input [1:0] b, input [1:0] c, output logic [1:0] o); always @* begin case (a) 0: o = a + b; 1: o = a - b; 2: o = a * b; 3: o = c; endcase end endmodule