EE589 Final August 23.2014 Name ____________________________________ Student ID __________________ 1.4 Which waveform is the simulation result of Verilog code below? module dut ( input clk, input [7:0] d, output logic [7:0] q ); logic [7:0] r; always @(posedge clk) r <= d; always @(posedge clk) q <= r; endmodule module testbench; logic clk; logic [7:0] d, q; dut dut (clk, d, q); initial begin clk = 0; forever #10 clk = ! clk; end initial begin $dumpvars (); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) begin @(posedge clk); #15; d = i; end $finish; end endmodule a)b)
2.4 What schematics correspond to Verilog code below? module dut ( input clk, input [7:0] d, output logic [7:0] q ); always @* q = d; endmodule
3.4 What Finite State Machine (FSM) state diagram correspond to Verilog code below? module dut ( input clk, input resetn, input a, output b ); logic state; always @(posedge clk) if (! resetn) state <= 0; else case (state) 0: if ( a) state <= 1; 1: if (! a) state <= 0; endcase assign b = (state == 1); endmodule
4.4 What MIPS assembly code corresponds to the following C code? int a [10]; int f () { int i, sum; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) sum += a [i]; return sum; } ////////// a ////////// f: li $3,1 beq $4,$3,.L3 li $3,2 beq $4,$3,.L6 nop bne $4,$0,.L9 nop lw $2,%gp_rel(a)($28) j $31 sltu $2,$0,$2 .L3: li $2,2 lw $3,%gp_rel(b)($28) j $31 movz $2,$0,$3 .L6: move $2,$0 .L9: j $31 nop ////////// b ////////// f: addiu $sp,$sp,-24 sw $31,20($sp) sw $16,16($sp) move $16,$4 beq $4,$0,.L2 li $2,1 jal f addiu $4,$4,-1 mul $2,$2,$16 .L2: lw $31,20($sp) lw $16,16($sp) j $31 addiu $sp,$sp,24 ////////// c ////////// f: slt $3,$5,$4 bne $3,$0,.L5 nop addu $2,$2,$4 .L4: addiu $4,$4,1 slt $3,$5,$4 beq $3,$0,.L4 addu $2,$2,$4 subu $2,$2,$4 .L5: j $31 nop ////////// d ////////// f: nor $2,$0,$6 and $5,$2,$5 and $4,$4,$6 or $2,$5,$4 j $31 sw $2,%gp_rel(e)($28) ////////// e ////////// f: lui $3,%hi(a) addiu $3,$3,%lo(a) addiu $5,$3,40 .L3: lw $4,0($3) addiu $3,$3,4 bne $3,$5,.L3 addu $2,$2,$4 j $31 nop /////////////////////// 5.4 What kind of delay is illustrated on the picture below (marked by "?")? a) Clock-to-Q Propagation delay: tpcq = time after clock edge that the output Q is guaranteed to be stable (i.e., to stop changing) b) Clock-to-Q Contamination delay: tccq = time after clock edge that Q might be unstable (i.e., start changing) c) Skew: difference between two clock edges. The clock doesn’t arrive at all registers at same time.
6.4 What kind of timing constraint is illustrated on the picture below (marked by "?")? a) Setup time: tsetup = time before clock edge data must be stable (i.e. not changing) b) Hold time: thold = time after clock edge data must be stable c) Aperture time: ta = time around clock edge data must be stable (ta = tsetup + thold) d) Tc = minimum and maximum delays between registers
7.4 What kind of cache is likely to be shown on the picture (marked by "?")? a) Direct L1 cache b) Two-way L1 cache c) L2 cache
8.4 Encode MIPS instruction srl $9, $8, 4 a) 00084902 b) 00084903 c) 00094100 d) 00094102 e) 00094103 9.4 Disassemble MIPS instruction 05000002 a) sltu $10, $9, $8 b) bltz $8, 1f c) lb $8, ($8) d) srav $9, $8, $10 e) or $8, $8, $8 10.4 What is the result of the following MIPS program execution? li $8, 12 li $9, 13 li $10, 14 addu $9, $8, $10 a) $8=0x0000000c, $9=0x0000000d, $10=00000019 b) $8=0x0000000c, $9=0x0000001a, $10=0000000e c) $8=0x00000014, $9=0x00000012, $10=00000019 d) $8=0x0000001b, $9=0x0000000d, $10=0000000e e) $8=0x0000000c, $9=0x0000001a, $10=0000000e 11.4 Which rule for signal assignment is violated in the following code? a) Synchronous sequential logic: use always @(posedge clk) or always_ff @(posedge clk) and nonblocking assignments (<=) always_ff @ (posedge clk) q <= d; // nonblocking b) Simple combinational logic: use continuous assignments (assign…) assign y = a & b; c) More complicated combinational logic: use always @* or always_comb and blocking assignments (=) d) Assign a signal in only one always statement or continuous assignment statement e) This code does not violate any rules for signal assignment module isqrt ( input clock, input reset_n, input run, input [31:0] x, output reg ready, output reg [15:0] y ); reg [31:0] m, r_m; reg [31:0] tx, r_tx; reg [31:0] ty, r_ty; reg [31:0] b, r_b; reg new_ready; always @* begin if (run) begin m = 31'h4000_0000; tx = x; ty = 0; end else begin m = r_m; tx = r_tx; ty = r_ty; end b = ty | m; ty = ty >> 1; if (tx >= b) begin tx = tx - b; ty = ty | m; end new_ready = m [0]; m = m >> 2; end always @(posedge clock or negedge reset_n) begin if (! reset_n) begin ready = 0; y = 0; end else if (new_ready) begin ready = 1; y = ty [15:0]; end else begin ready = 0; r_m = m; r_tx = tx; r_ty = ty; r_b = b; end end endmodule 12.4 Suppose you are using the following module to generate low-frequency clock using 80 MHz clock. What will be the resulting frequencies of clock_for_debouncing and clock_for_display? a) 153 Hz and 2441 Hz b) 15.3 Hz and 244.1 Hz c) 1.53 Hz and 24.41 Hz d) 95.4 Hz and 1525 Hz e) 9.54 Hz and 152.5 Hz module clock_divider ( input clock, input reset, output clock_for_debouncing, output clock_for_display ); reg [19:0] counter; always @(posedge clock) begin if (reset) counter <= 0; else counter <= counter + 1; end assign clock_for_debouncing = counter [19]; assign clock_for_display = counter [15]; endmodule 13.4 What is the function of the resistor in this particular circuit? a) To protect LED from excessive current b) Pullup - to provide the default value 1 for the input c) Pulldown - to provide the default value 0 for the input d) All the above e) This resistor does not have any function in this circuit
14.4 What is the formula for program execution time? a) Execution Time = (#instructions)(cycles/instruction)(seconds/cycle) b) Execution Time = (#instructions)(instruction/cycles)(seconds/cycle) c) Execution Time = (#instructions)(cycles/instruction)(cycle/seconds) d) Execution Time = (#instructions)/(cycles/instruction)(seconds/cycle) e) Execution Time = (#instructions)/((cycles/instruction)(seconds/cycle)) 15.4 Relative sizes of the industries a) Electronic industry ~$20T, Semiconductor / chip making industry ~$30B, Electronic Design Automation industry ~$80B, Semiconductor Intellectual Property (SIP) ~$40B b) Electronic industry ~$2T, Semiconductor / chip making industry ~$30B, Electronic Design Automation industry ~$800B, Semiconductor Intellectual Property (SIP) ~$40B c) Electronic industry ~$200B, Semiconductor / chip making industry ~$30B, Electronic Design Automation industry ~$8B, Semiconductor Intellectual Property (SIP) ~$4B d) Electronic industry ~$200B, Semiconductor / chip making industry ~$3B, Electronic Design Automation industry ~$8B, Semiconductor Intellectual Property (SIP) ~$40B e) Electronic industry ~$2T, Semiconductor / chip making industry ~$300B, Electronic Design Automation industry ~$8B, Semiconductor Intellectual Property (SIP) ~$4B 16.4 What is the major limitation for multiprocessors? a) Lack of parallelism in multiple instruction processing b) Frequent pipeline flushes during jumps c) Instruction dependencies d) For special applications, like graphics, requires special programming e) Memory sharing between processors Test written by Yuri Panchul Sources of pictures: Slides from Steve Harris and Sarah Harris that accompany textbook Digital Design and Computer Architecture, Second Edition by David Harris and Sarah Harris, 2012 See MIPS Run Linux (2nd, 06) by Dominic Sweetman