Final April 25, 2015 Name ____________________________________ Student ID __________________
1. Below is a state machine code and the corresponding state diagram 1. Modify the code to implement a state machine corresponding to the state diagram 2. Write your modified code to the right of the original code: module pattern_fsm_moore ( input clock, input resetn, input a, output y ); parameter [1:0] S0 = 0, S1 = 1, S2 = 2, S3 = 3; reg [1:0] state, next_state; // state register always @ (posedge clock or negedge resetn) if (! resetn) state <= S0; else state <= next_state; // next state logic always @* case (state) S0: if (a) next_state = S0; else next_state = S1; S1: if (a) next_state = S2; else next_state = S1; S2: next_state = S3; S3: if (a) next_state = S0; else next_state = S1; default: next_state = S0; endcase // output logic assign y = (state == S3); endmodule
State diagram 1:
State diagram 2:
The code below contains three modules implementing the same functionality, calculating the power of five of a given number. Analyze the code and answer the following questions: module pow_5_implementation_1 ( input [17:0] n, output [17:0] n_pow_5 ); assign n_pow_5 = n * n * n * n * n; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- module pow_5_implementation_2 ( input clock, input [17:0] n, output reg [17:0] n_pow_5 ); reg [17:0] n_1, n_2, n_3; reg [17:0] n_pow_2, n_pow_3, n_pow_4; always @(posedge clock) begin n_1 <= n; n_2 <= n_1; n_3 <= n_2; n_pow_2 <= n * n; n_pow_3 <= n_pow_2 * n_1; n_pow_4 <= n_pow_3 * n_2; n_pow_5 <= n_pow_4 * n_3; end endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- module pow_5_implementation_3 ( input clock, input reset_n, input run, input [17:0] n, output ready, output [17:0] n_pow_5 ); reg [4:0] shift; always @(posedge clock or negedge reset_n) if (! reset_n) shift <= 0; else if (run) shift <= 5'b10000; else shift <= shift >> 1; assign ready = shift [0]; reg [17:0] r_n, mul; always @(posedge clock) if (run) begin r_n <= n; mul <= n; end else begin mul <= mul * r_n; end assign n_pow_5 = mul; endmodule
2. Which implementation is purely combinational? a) pow_5_implementation_1 b) pow_5_implementation_2 c) pow_5_implementation_3 d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2 e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3 f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3 g) all of them h) none of them
3. Which implementation is sequential? a) pow_5_implementation_1 b) pow_5_implementation_2 c) pow_5_implementation_3 d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2 e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3 f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3 g) all of them h) none of them
4. Which implementation is pipelined? a) pow_5_implementation_1 b) pow_5_implementation_2 c) pow_5_implementation_3 d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2 e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3 f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3 g) all of them h) none of them
5. Identify the implementation that corresponds to the following schematics: a) pow_5_implementation_1 b) pow_5_implementation_2 c) pow_5_implementation_3 d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2 e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3 f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3 g) all of them h) none of them
6. Identify the implementation that corresponds to the following schematics: a) pow_5_implementation_1 b) pow_5_implementation_2 c) pow_5_implementation_3 d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2 e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3 f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3 g) all of them h) none of them
7. Identify the implementation that corresponds to the following schematics: a) pow_5_implementation_1 b) pow_5_implementation_2 c) pow_5_implementation_3 d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2 e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3 f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3 g) all of them h) none of them
8. Which implementation is likely to allow the highest maximum frequency (assuming that the outputs of the combinational implementation are connected to clocked register)? a) pow_5_implementation_1 b) pow_5_implementation_2 c) pow_5_implementation_3
9. Which implementation is likely to use the smallest number of gates? a) pow_5_implementation_1 b) pow_5_implementation_2 c) pow_5_implementation_3
10. Which implementation is likely to have the highest throughput (number of calculated pow_5(n) results per seconds)? a) pow_5_implementation_1 b) pow_5_implementation_2 c) pow_5_implementation_3
11. Which implementation is going to have the smallest latency in clock cycles (assuming that the outputs of the combinational implementation are connected to clocked registers)? a) pow_5_implementation_1 b) pow_5_implementation_2 c) pow_5_implementation_3
12. The testbench instantiated all three implementations of pow_5. module testbench; reg clock; reg reset_n; reg run; reg [17:0] n; wire ready; wire [17:0] n_pow_5_implementation_1; wire [17:0] n_pow_5_implementation_2; wire [17:0] n_pow_5_implementation_3; initial begin clock = 1; forever # 50 clock = ! clock; end initial begin repeat (2) @(posedge clock); reset_n <= 0; repeat (2) @(posedge clock); reset_n <= 1; end pow_5_implementation_1 pow_5_implementation_1 (n, n_pow_5_implementation_1); pow_5_implementation_2 pow_5_implementation_2 (clock, n, n_pow_5_implementation_2); pow_5_implementation_3 pow_5_implementation_3 (clock, reset_n, run, n, ready, n_pow_5_implementation_3); integer i; initial begin $dumpvars; $monitor ("clock %b reset_n %b n %d comb %d seq %d run %b ready %b pipe %d", clock, reset_n, n, n_pow_5_implementation_1, n_pow_5_implementation_2, run, ready, n_pow_5_implementation_3); @(posedge reset_n); @(posedge clock); for (i = 0; i < 50; i = i + 1) begin n <= i & 7; run <= (i == 0 || ready); @(posedge clock); end $finish; end endmodule
An engineer simulated the testbench and got the following waveform. However he forgot the order he added the last three signals to the waveform. Can you determine which signal is the output of combinational implementation, sequential non-pipelined implementation and sequential pipelined implementation? a) The order is (from upper n_pow_5... to lower n_pow_5...): combinational, sequential non-pipelined implementation, pipelined b) combinational, pipelined, sequential non-pipelined implementation c) pipelined, combinational, sequential non-pipelined implementation d) pipelined, sequential non-pipelined implementation, combinational e) sequential non-pipelined implementation, combinational, pipelined f) sequential non-pipelined implementation, pipelined, combinational 13. What kind of delay is illustrated on the picture below (marked by "?")? a) Propagation delay: tpd = max delay from input to output b) Contamination delay: tcd = min delay from input to output c) Skew: difference between two clock edges. The clock doesn’t arrive at all registers at same time. 14. What kind of timing constraint is illustrated on the picture below (marked by "?")? a) Setup time: tsetup = time before clock edge data must be stable (i.e. not changing) b) Hold time: thold = time after clock edge data must be stable c) Aperture time: ta = time around clock edge data must be stable (ta = tsetup + thold) d) Tc = minimum and maximum delays between registers 15. Which rule for signal assignment is violated in the following code? a) Synchronous sequential logic: use always @(posedge clk) or always_ff @(posedge clk) and nonblocking assignments (<=) always_ff @ (posedge clk) q <= d; // nonblocking b) Simple combinational logic: use continuous assignments (assign…) assign y = a & b; c) More complicated combinational logic: use always @* or always_comb and blocking assignments (=) d) Assign a signal in only one always statement or continuous assignment statement e) This code does not violate any rules for signal assignment module dut ( input clk, input [7:0] d, output logic [7:0] q ); logic [7:0] r; always @(posedge clk) r = d; always @(posedge clk) q = r; endmodule 16. Write the missing code near red comments // Combinational building block: multiplexor module mux_2_1 ( input [3:0] d0, input [3:0] d1, input sel, output [3:0] y ); assign y = sel ? d1 : d0; endmodule module mux_4_1_imp_1 ( input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input [1:0] sel, output [3:0] y ); // Using code for mux_2_1 as an example, // write code for 4:1 mux using "?:" operator endmodule module mux_4_1_imp_2 ( input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input [1:0] sel, output reg [3:0] y ); always @* case (sel) 2'b00: y = d0; 2'b01: y = d1; 2'b10: y = d2; 2'b11: y = d3; endcase endmodule module mux_4_1_imp_3 ( input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input [1:0] sel, output [3:0] y ); // Construct 4:1 mux using three instances of mux_2_1 modules endmodule module mux_4_1_bits_2 ( input [1:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input [1:0] sel, output [1:0] y ); assign y = sel [1] ? (sel [0] ? d3 : d2) : (sel [0] ? d1 : d0); endmodule module mux_4_1_imp_4 ( input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input [1:0] sel, output [3:0] y ); // Construct 4:1 mux with 4-bit inputs and output // using two instances of mux_4_1 modules with 2-bit inputs and outputs // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // endmodule module basys3_2 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); mux_4_1_imp_1 ( // Write code that connects module's inputs and output: // d0 - to sw [ 3: 0] // d1 - to sw [ 7: 4] // d2 - to sw [11: 8] // d3 - to sw [15:12] // sel [1] - to btnC // sel [0] - to btnR // y - to led [ 3: 0] ); assign seg = ~ 7'b0; assign dp = 1'b1; assign an = 4'b0; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Combinational building block: decoder module decoder_3_8_imp_1 ( input [2:0] a, output reg [7:0] y ); // Using decoder_3_8_imp_2 and decoder_3_8_imp_3 as references, // implement the decoder using "case" statement // // // // // // // // // // // endmodule module decoder_3_8_imp_2 ( input [2:0] a, output reg [7:0] y ); always @* begin y = 0; y [a] = 1; end endmodule module decoder_3_8_imp_3 ( input [2:0] a, output [7:0] y ); assign y = 1 << a; endmodule module basys3_3 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); decoder_3_8_imp_1 decoder_3_8_imp_1 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [ 7:0])); decoder_3_8_imp_2 decoder_3_8_imp_3 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [15:8])); assign seg = ~ 7'b0; assign dp = 1'b1; assign an = 4'b0; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Combinational building block: seven-segment driver module single_digit_display ( input [3:0] digit, input single_digit, input show_dot, output reg [6:0] seven_segments, output dot, output [3:0] anodes ); always @* case (digit) 'h0: seven_segments = 'b1000000; // a b c d e f g 'h1: seven_segments = 'b1111001; 'h2: seven_segments = 'b0100100; // --a-- 'h3: seven_segments = 'b0110000; // | | 'h4: seven_segments = 'b0011001; // f b 'h5: seven_segments = 'b0010010; // | | 'h6: seven_segments = 'b0000010; // --g-- 'h7: seven_segments = 'b1111000; // | | 'h8: seven_segments = 'b0000000; // e c 'h9: seven_segments = 'b0011000; // | | 'ha: seven_segments = 'b0001000; // --d-- 'hb: /* Fill the missing code */; 'hc: seven_segments = 'b1000110; 'hd: seven_segments = 'b0100001; 'he: seven_segments = 'b0000110; 'hf: seven_segments = 'b0001110; endcase assign dot = ~ show_dot; assign anodes = single_digit ? 4'b1110 : 4'b0000; endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- module basys3_5 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); single_digit_display single_digit_display ( .digit ( sw [3:0] ), .single_digit ( sw [15] ), .show_dot ( sw [14] ), .seven_segments ( seg ), .dot ( dp ), .anodes ( an ) ); endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sequential building block: counter module clock_divider_100_MHz_to_1_49_Hz ( input clock_100_MHz, input resetn, output clock_1_49_Hz ); // 100 MHz / 2 ** 26 = 1.49 Hz reg [25:0] counter; always /* Fill the missing code */ begin if (! resetn) counter <= 0; else counter <= counter + 1; end // Write code connecting bit 25 of the counter to the output endmodule module counter ( input clock, input resetn, output reg [15:0] count ); always @ (posedge clock or negedge resetn) begin if (! resetn) count <= 0; else count <= count + 1; end endmodule module basys3_6 ( input clk, input btnC, input btnU, input btnL, input btnR, input btnD, input [15:0] sw, output [15:0] led, output [ 6:0] seg, output dp, output [ 3:0] an ); wire clock; wire resetn = ! btnU; clock_divider_100_MHz_to_1_49_Hz clock_divider ( .clock_100_MHz (clk), .resetn (resetn), .clock_1_49_Hz (clock) ); counter counter ( .clock ( clock ), .resetn ( resetn ), .count ( led ) ); assign seg = ~ 7'b0; assign dp = 1'b0; assign an = 4'b0; endmodule
Exam is created by Yuri Panchul with some code borrowing from Digital Design and Computer Architecture, Second Edition by David Harris and Sarah Harris, 2012