// Combinational building block: multiplexor
module mux_2_1
input [3:0] d0,
input [3:0] d1,
input sel,
output [3:0] y
assign y = sel ? d1 : d0;
module mux_4_1_imp_1
input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3,
input [1:0] sel,
output [3:0] y
assign y = sel [1]
? (sel [0] ? d3 : d2)
: (sel [0] ? d1 : d0);
module mux_4_1_imp_2
input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3,
input [1:0] sel,
output reg [3:0] y
// Using code for mux_4_1_imp_1 as a reference,
// write code for 4:1 mux using "case" statement
module mux_4_1_imp_3
input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3,
input [1:0] sel,
output [3:0] y
// Construct 4:1 mux using three instances of mux_2_1 modules
module mux_4_1_bits_2
input [1:0] d0, d1, d2, d3,
input [1:0] sel,
output [1:0] y
assign y = sel [1]
? (sel [0] ? d3 : d2)
: (sel [0] ? d1 : d0);
module mux_4_1_imp_4
input [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3,
input [1:0] sel,
output [3:0] y
// Construct 4:1 mux with 4-bit inputs and output
// using two instances of mux_4_1 modules with 2-bit inputs and outputs
module basys3_2
input clk,
input btnC,
input btnU,
input btnL,
input btnR,
input btnD,
input [15:0] sw,
output [15:0] led,
output [ 6:0] seg,
output dp,
output [ 3:0] an
// Write code that connects module's inputs and output:
// d0 - to sw [ 3: 0]
// d1 - to sw [ 7: 4]
// d2 - to sw [11: 8]
// d3 - to sw [15:12]
// sel [1] - to btnC
// sel [0] - to btnR
// y - to led [ 3: 0]
assign seg = ~ 7'b0;
assign dp = 1'b1;
assign an = 4'b0;
// Combinational building block: decoder
module decoder_3_8_imp_1
input [2:0] a,
output reg [7:0] y
always @*
case (a)
3'b000: y = 8'b00000001;
3'b001: y = 8'b00000010;
3'b010: y = 8'b00000100;
3'b011: y = 8'b00001000;
3'b100: y = 8'b00010000;
3'b101: y = 8'b00100000;
3'b110: y = 8'b01000000;
3'b111: y = 8'b10000000;
module decoder_3_8_imp_2
input [2:0] a,
output reg [7:0] y
// Using decoder_3_8_imp_1 and decoder_3_8_imp_3 as references,
// implement the decoder using "always" block and bit selection
module decoder_3_8_imp_3
input [2:0] a,
output [7:0] y
assign y = 1 << a;
module basys3_3
input clk,
input btnC,
input btnU,
input btnL,
input btnR,
input btnD,
input [15:0] sw,
output [15:0] led,
output [ 6:0] seg,
output dp,
output [ 3:0] an
decoder_3_8_imp_1 decoder_3_8_imp_1 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [ 7:0]));
decoder_3_8_imp_2 decoder_3_8_imp_3 (.a (sw [3:0]), .y (led [15:8]));
assign seg = ~ 7'b0;
assign dp = 1'b1;
assign an = 4'b0;
// Combinational building block: seven-segment driver
module single_digit_display
input [3:0] digit,
input single_digit,
input show_dot,
output reg [6:0] seven_segments,
output dot,
output [3:0] anodes
always @*
case (digit)
'h0: seven_segments = 'b1000000; // a b c d e f g
'h1: seven_segments = 'b1111001;
'h2: seven_segments = 'b0100100; // --a--
'h3: seven_segments = 'b0110000; // | |
'h4: seven_segments = 'b0011001; // f b
'h5: seven_segments = 'b0010010; // | |
'h6: seven_segments = 'b0000010; // --g--
'h7: seven_segments = 'b1111000; // | |
'h8: seven_segments = 'b0000000; // e c
'h9: seven_segments = 'b0011000; // | |
'ha: seven_segments = 'b0001000; // --d--
'hb: seven_segments = 'b0000011;
'hc: /* Fill the missing code */;
'hd: seven_segments = 'b0100001;
'he: seven_segments = 'b0000110;
'hf: seven_segments = 'b0001110;
assign dot = ~ show_dot;
assign anodes = single_digit ? 4'b1110 : 4'b0000;
module basys3_5
input clk,
input btnC,
input btnU,
input btnL,
input btnR,
input btnD,
input [15:0] sw,
output [15:0] led,
output [ 6:0] seg,
output dp,
output [ 3:0] an
single_digit_display single_digit_display
.digit ( sw [3:0] ),
.single_digit ( sw [15] ),
.show_dot ( sw [14] ),
.seven_segments ( seg ),
.dot ( dp ),
.anodes ( an )
// Sequential building block: counter
module clock_divider_100_MHz_to_1_49_Hz
input clock_100_MHz,
input resetn,
output clock_1_49_Hz
// 100 MHz / 2 ** 26 = 1.49 Hz
reg [25:0] counter;
always /* Fill the missing code */
if (! resetn)
counter <= 0;
counter <= counter + 1;
// Write code connecting bit 25 of the counter to the output
module counter
input clock,
input resetn,
output reg [15:0] count
always @ (posedge clock or negedge resetn)
if (! resetn)
count <= 0;
count <= count + 1;
module basys3_6
input clk,
input btnC,
input btnU,
input btnL,
input btnR,
input btnD,
input [15:0] sw,
output [15:0] led,
output [ 6:0] seg,
output dp,
output [ 3:0] an
wire clock;
wire resetn = ! btnU;
clock_divider_100_MHz_to_1_49_Hz clock_divider
.clock_100_MHz (clk),
.resetn (resetn),
.clock_1_49_Hz (clock)
counter counter
.clock ( clock ),
.resetn ( resetn ),
.count ( led )
assign seg = ~ 7'b0;
assign dp = 1'b0;
assign an = 4'b0;