Quiz 2 June 27, 2015 Name ____________________________________ Student ID __________________
The code below contains three modules implementing the same functionality,
calculating the power of five of a given number. Analyze the code and answer
the following questions:
module pow_5_implementation_1
input [17:0] n,
output [17:0] n_pow_5
assign n_pow_5 = n * n * n * n * n;
module pow_5_implementation_2
input clock,
input reset_n,
input run,
input [17:0] n,
output ready,
output [17:0] n_pow_5
reg [4:0] shift;
always @(posedge clock or negedge reset_n)
if (! reset_n)
shift <= 0;
else if (run)
shift <= 5'b10000;
shift <= shift >> 1;
assign ready = shift [0];
reg [17:0] r_n, mul;
always @(posedge clock)
if (run)
r_n <= n;
mul <= n;
mul <= mul * r_n;
assign n_pow_5 = mul;
module pow_5_implementation_3
input clock,
input [17:0] n,
output reg [17:0] n_pow_5
reg [17:0] n_1, n_2, n_3;
reg [17:0] n_pow_2, n_pow_3, n_pow_4;
always @(posedge clock)
n_1 <= n;
n_2 <= n_1;
n_3 <= n_2;
n_pow_2 <= n * n;
n_pow_3 <= n_pow_2 * n_1;
n_pow_4 <= n_pow_3 * n_2;
n_pow_5 <= n_pow_4 * n_3;
1. Which implementation is purely combinational?
a) pow_5_implementation_1
b) pow_5_implementation_2
c) pow_5_implementation_3
d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2
e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3
f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3
g) all of them
h) none of them
2. Which implementation is sequential?
a) pow_5_implementation_1
b) pow_5_implementation_2
c) pow_5_implementation_3
d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2
e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3
f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3
g) all of them
h) none of them
3. Which implementation is pipelined?
a) pow_5_implementation_1
b) pow_5_implementation_2
c) pow_5_implementation_3
d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2
e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3
f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3
g) all of them
h) none of them
4. Identify the implementation that corresponds to the following schematics:
a) pow_5_implementation_1
b) pow_5_implementation_2
c) pow_5_implementation_3
d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2
e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3
f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3
g) all of them
h) none of them
5. Identify the implementation that corresponds to the following schematics:
a) pow_5_implementation_1
b) pow_5_implementation_2
c) pow_5_implementation_3
d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2
e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3
f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3
g) all of them
h) none of them
6. Identify the implementation that corresponds to the following schematics:
a) pow_5_implementation_1
b) pow_5_implementation_2
c) pow_5_implementation_3
d) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_2
e) pow_5_implementation_1 and pow_5_implementation_3
f) pow_5_implementation_2 and pow_5_implementation_3
g) all of them
h) none of them
7. Which implementation is likely to allow the highest maximum frequency
(assuming that the outputs of the combinational implementation are connected
to clocked register)?
a) pow_5_implementation_1
b) pow_5_implementation_2
c) pow_5_implementation_3
8. Which implementation is likely to use the smallest number of gates?
a) pow_5_implementation_1
b) pow_5_implementation_2
c) pow_5_implementation_3
9. Which implementation is likely to have the highest throughput
(number of calculated pow_5(n) results per seconds)?
a) pow_5_implementation_1
b) pow_5_implementation_2
c) pow_5_implementation_3
10. Which implementation is going to have the smallest latency in clock cycles
(assuming that the outputs of the combinational implementation are connected
to clocked registers)?
a) pow_5_implementation_1
b) pow_5_implementation_2
c) pow_5_implementation_3
11. The testbench instantiated all three implementations of pow_5.
module testbench;
reg clock;
reg reset_n;
reg run;
reg [17:0] n;
wire ready;
wire [17:0] n_pow_5_implementation_1;
wire [17:0] n_pow_5_implementation_2;
wire [17:0] n_pow_5_implementation_3;
clock = 1;
forever # 50 clock = ! clock;
repeat (2) @(posedge clock);
reset_n <= 0;
repeat (2) @(posedge clock);
reset_n <= 1;
pow_5_implementation_1 pow_5_implementation_1
(n, n_pow_5_implementation_1);
pow_5_implementation_2 pow_5_implementation_2
(clock, reset_n, run, n, ready, n_pow_5_implementation_2);
pow_5_implementation_3 pow_5_implementation_3
(clock, n, n_pow_5_implementation_3);
integer i;
$monitor ("clock %b reset_n %b n %d comb %d seq %d run %b ready %b pipe %d",
@(posedge reset_n);
@(posedge clock);
for (i = 0; i < 50; i = i + 1)
n <= i & 7;
run <= (i == 0 || ready);
@(posedge clock);
An engineer simulated the testbench and got the following waveform.
However he forgot the order he added the last three signals to the waveform.
Can you determine which signal is the output of combinational implementation,
sequential non-pipelined implementation and sequential pipelined implementation?
a) The order is (from upper n_pow_5... to lower n_pow_5...):
combinational, sequential non-pipelined implementation, pipelined
b) combinational, pipelined, sequential non-pipelined implementation
c) pipelined, combinational, sequential non-pipelined implementation
d) pipelined, sequential non-pipelined implementation, combinational
e) sequential non-pipelined implementation, combinational, pipelined
f) sequential non-pipelined implementation, pipelined, combinational
Quiz is created by Yuri Panchul