Quiz - August 8 2015

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Understanding blocking and non-blocking assignments in SystemVerilog, combinational and sequential always-blocks, their simulation and synthesis.For each design under test (dut1-dut16) show the corresponding schematics and the corresponding waveform:

        module dut1                              module dut2
        (                                        (                          
            input              clk,                  input              clk,
            input        [7:0] d,                    input        [7:0] d,  
            output logic [7:0] q                     output logic [7:0] q   
        );                                       );                         
            always @(posedge clk)                    always_ff @(posedge clk)  
                q <= d;                                  q <= d;            
        endmodule                                endmodule                  
        module dut3                              module dut4
        (                                        (                            
            input              clk,                  input              clk,
            input        [7:0] d,                    input        [7:0] d,
            output logic [7:0] q                     output logic [7:0] q
        );                                       );                       
            logic [7:0] r;                           logic [7:0] r;       
            always @(posedge clk)                    always @(posedge clk)
            begin                                    begin               
                r <= d;                                  q <= r;
                q <= r;                                  r <= d;
            end                                      end                 
        endmodule                                endmodule               
        module dut5                              module dut6
        (                                        (                           
            input              clk,                  input              clk, 
            input        [7:0] d,                    input        [7:0] d,   
            output logic [7:0] q                     output logic [7:0] q    
        );                                       );                          
            always @*                                always_comb
                q = d;                                   q = d;
        endmodule                                endmodule                   
        module dut7                              module dut8
        (                                        (                            
            input              clk,                  input              clk,  
            input        [7:0] d,                    input        [7:0] d,    
            output logic [7:0] q                     output logic [7:0] q     
        );                                       );                           
            logic [7:0] r;                           logic [7:0] r;           
            always @(posedge clk)                    always @(posedge clk)    
                r <= d;                                  q <= r;
            always @(posedge clk)                    always @(posedge clk)    
                q <= r;                                  r <= d;
        endmodule                                endmodule                    
        module dut9                              module dut10
        (                                        (                            
            input              clk,                  input              clk,  
            input        [7:0] d,                    input        [7:0] d,    
            output logic [7:0] q                     output logic [7:0] q     
        );                                       );                           
            logic [7:0] r;                           logic [7:0] r;           
            always @*                                always @(posedge clk)    
                r = d;                                   q <= r;
            always @(posedge clk)                    always @*
                q <= r;                                  r = d;
        endmodule                                endmodule                    
        module dut11                             module dut12
        (                                        (                                  
            input              clk,                  input              clk,        
            input        [7:0] d,                    input        [7:0] d,          
            output logic [7:0] q                     output logic [7:0] q           
        );                                       );                                 
            logic [7:0] r;                           
            assign r = d;                            wire [7:0] r = d;                     
            always @(posedge clk)                    always @(posedge clk)          
                q <= r;                                  q <= r;                    
        endmodule                                endmodule                          
        module dut13                             module dut14
        (                                        (                               
            input              clk,                  input              clk,     
            input        [7:0] d,                    input        [7:0] d,       
            output logic [7:0] q                     output logic [7:0] q        
        );                                       );                              
            logic [7:0] r;                           logic [7:0] r;              
            assign r = d;                            assign q = r;               
            assign q = r;                            assign r = d;
        endmodule                                endmodule                       
        module dut15_not_a_good_style            module dut16_bad_style
        (                                        (                            
            input              clk,                  input              clk,  
            input        [7:0] d,                    input        [7:0] d,    
            output logic [7:0] q                     output logic [7:0] q     
        );                                       );                           
            logic [7:0] r;                           logic [7:0] r;           
            always @(posedge clk)                    always @(posedge clk)    
            begin                                    begin                    
                r = d;                                   q <= r;
                q <= r;                                  r = d;
            end                                      end                      
        endmodule                                endmodule                    

The common testbench used to generate the waveforms

module testbench;

    logic clk;
    logic [7:0] d, q;

    dut dut (clk, d, q);

       clk = 0;

           #10 clk = ! clk;

        $dumpvars ();

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            @(posedge clk);
            d = i;






Quiz is created by Yuri Panchul